Warner Test 001

“In nineteen ninety-three, the Faculty of Informatics in Barcelona (FIB) commissioned a cartoon portraying their students. It should treat FIBers (most of them men) and their relations with other faculties like Business Administration (ADE, most of the women) in a comedic way. Unfortunately, most of the demo sketches were full of furry pornography, and were deliberately destroyed in a fire, without anyone having seen the originals. Until today, when some of those sketches were found unburnt!”

(I just tried some “warner bros” / ”90′s” style on JRS characters. Sorry.)

Starla Bunny (Three Dragons)

Starla Bunny and the Mystery of the Three Dragons – Starla Bunny solves another mystery, but some truth must be kept from authorities, to let the resistance defeat the regime!

The Castle of the Three Dragons is nowadays the last standing building of the 1888’s Universal Exposition. For the first exposition in Barcelona (1888), the Spanish military citadel, built to bomb the city of Barcelona periodically, was finally leveled and converted in a modernist (art nouveau) park with pavilions to host the exposition. After the exposition, most of the buildings were demolished, but this one remained as the City’s Museum of Natural History. The second exposition, in 1929, was held in the mountain of Montjuïc, in brand new pavilions. This story happens around that time.

Starla Bunny vs Garibaldi the 3rd

Starla Bunny vs. Garibaldi the 3rd – Starla, the professional board-gamer and mystery detective in Barcelona 1929′s Universal Exposition, is challenged by her nemesis, Garibaldi the 3rd, fascist spy for Mussolini and traitor to the Catalan Separatists. Thanks to “Zombie Dices”, she discovers The Truth! Also throwing dices while roman-saluting makes dices to roll off the table. And that’s annoying.

Starla Bunny

Starla Bunny – Some silly concept/thing I thought two days ago: During the Barcelona Universal Exposition in 1929, the professional boardgamer Starla solves crimes, mysteries, and helps the separatists and republicans to overthrow the fascist directorate. She gets involved in secret plots to destabilize the Society of Nations, plans to start the second World War before time, and arranged tournaments of UNO. She doesn’t date anybody who can’t beat her in a game of Puerto Rico.

Test Sketches

Just sketches of Anne and Steffy, to practice a little bit their body-shapes. I searched in Google “dancing woman”, and photos appeared…

(Steffy’s fluffy tail can’t be seen, as it’s behind her. Even though, there’s that impulse to draw a little bit of it showing, and it would be totally wrong!!!)

[Edited: Updated Steffy image with a correction of a ‘more reasonable’ head-body proportion]

The Museum of the (Semi-decidable) Automatas

The Museum of the (Semi-decidable) Automatas – YES, THIS IS A NERD JOKE! AND A VERY SILLY ONE!

Half life on computer sciences weirds your sense of humor…

(TMYK: A cabinet like that greets you at the Tibidabo Automaton Museum in Barcelona)

About Undertale

Ziritrion insisted that I should play this Undertale game. There was so much hype that I dismissed it for a long time…

Then awesome game art (and fan-art) arrived and I gave it a try…

Finally I couldn’t update my web-comic because I spent last evenings playing exhaustively Undertale in True Pacifist mode and thinking a lot about it later.