Dragon Transport – Recently discovered Drawception (an on-line drawing
game. Look for it!), and I had to illustrate the caption “Dragon
Transport“. I loved the concept, and after drawing it in a really clumsy
way I felt like redrawing it again, this time with no chronometer
running. I think I never draw a dragon before.
“Estrenes” – A lost tradition in Catalonia was for the mailman,
policeman or other public servants to give neighbors a seasons greeting
card reading “Your [mailman/…] wishes you a happy Christmas and a happy
new year”, with a picture of the officer and a symbolic place of the
neighborhood or city. In exchange the officer received some money-tip
from those neighbors, considered as an extraordinary payment from the
Imitate and Improve! – Sometimes when I go into The Internets,
I find cool pictures/art that I’d like to be able to draw. I save those
and try to imitate or reproduce by tracing or drawing “side-by-side”,
also putting my characters in such poses.
Obviously the
results are far better than me just sketching from zero, as I left my
senses of proportion and symmetry at work. An important thing to keep in
mind when imitating from real (or even drawn) pictures is that
“furries” have bigger head-to-body proportions so they become more
cartoonish, escaping from the “uncanny valley” effect. I spend big time
adjusting the size of the head to not seem stupidly big or disturbingly
human sized. Further, sometimes the result must be plumped or rounded,
for the same purposes.
The originals were found in 4chan boards, 1 and 3 from “casual girl” photos and 2 from a drawing of an artist called Kasutaso.
The teaser – In the previous post I indicated I made a comic about the double-meanings of the “The Cartoons” songs.
comic was meant for here, but after finishing it I realized it was kind
of NSFW and hard to censure. I drew the “introduction” and “big
coconuts” scenes first, easily to be put here; but then I found out all
the other songs with kinky content, then started drawing, and finally
realizing that SFW-ing everything was hard and not pleasant… And I want
to keep this blog the most PG13 as possible, as I am looking for putting
some comics with “family friendly” content in the future.
Luckily I have my blog where I put stuff, and where nobody except for me decides what to put and not. In case you missed the link, I made this teaser, and put the link again >>>HERE (+18)<<<.
BUT NOW… that we’re on the backup blog… The real deal:
The Cartoons, that band from the 90′s and early 2000′s came back to
my music lists. And this time, instead of just listening to their music,
I’m able to UNDERSTAND (how frisky were) their lyrics!
What 20
years ago were a bunch of childish and catchy tunes for somebody not
speaking English, today they turned to me a set of cool songs with a
“kinky” double-meaning or easily misunderstandable. Here at catalan and
spanish radio stations, songs were played without anyone paying
attention, also put to elementary school children as music for school
trips parties, so who would suspect?!
From songs like “Big
Coconuts” (”uh aiah, boys get so hot when they see a coconut”), to
“Yoko” (”Got her own sweet flavor, when I go down low” -> yes, it is
about “eating carpet”), passing through “Little Red Riding Hood” (just
use your imagination, guys!) and “Chirp Chirp Cheep Cheep“ (with its
orgasming chorus). Not forgetting the clip for “Witch Doctor”, where The
Cartoons enter into a tampon microphone rocket-ship to fly towards a vag hangar gate in Toon Town, because “All-right! Ooo eee ooo ah ah…!”.
I completed the drawing with a comic, but discovered that is was enough NSFW for Tumblr (I want to keep this clean for now). So I put it in my blog >>>HERE (+18)<<<.
Today I felt like old-fashion and I wanted to draw something from the
late 19ths Catalan style. This front page is inspired by the ones in
“L’Esquella de la Torratxa”, Barcelona 1872-1939, a satirical and
catalanist magazine.
All of this coinciding with the fact that in a
week we are voting if Catalonia declares its independence (previous
polls were obstructed and impeded by the Spanish government).
“-Excuse me, is it here where to vote on independence? – My dear… being
a woman, not rich, and Catalan!… Not even showing a leg they’ll allow
Future Ideas – A sketch/draft for an idea for a future story arc in
JRS web-comic, in which given a certain point Roy crashes a pub’s
private party disguised as a Japanese schoolgirl. Also testing some
“perspective” techniques.
Concept art for some side characters for an incoming story. Mr. Coll, a
kind of “loyal assistant” for the main character, just a promoted
fan-boy. Also two “old heroes” or “old glories” from their respective
places, signore Montini and monsieur Deléchamps.